Mindfulness Programs

Mondays 12:30pm (45mins $15) with Dr Rob Schutze or join our Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course on Saturdays. For more information and booking, click here. Read more about the MBSR Program below.

What is mindfulness?

The mindfulness program at The Yoga Space was founded by mindfulness practitioners & researchers Dr Jean Byrne & Rob Schutze. Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment, switching from the automatic pilot of doing and settling into just being. The pace of modern life can easily take as away from the heart of who we are and what we love. Stress, anxiety, depression and busyness can leave us feeling drained, tired, sleepless and generally unwell.

The practice of mindfulness offers us a perspective from which to view our life afresh, to create a new relationship with our own mind, body, work, friends and family. The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program was design by Dr Jon Kabat Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. It has been scientifically proven to help with stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain and a variety of other ills of modern day life. People also enrol in an MBSR course to discover a new direction in their life, to come to terms with the loss and change our lives inevitably involve.

MBSR has changed my life. It has reminded me of my passion for yoga, introduced me to meditation (which I’ve always thought would be impossible for a person like me).

I’m much more connected with my body and myself in a way I haven’t been before. Now I see life as just moments. Present moments is all we have. And that we are the authors of our own story, of which we are solely responsible for.

It has definately started a new chapter in my life. It brought me much more than I was looking for.

– Luciana

Through the practice of mindfulness we can become reacquainted with our wholeness and innate capacity to learn, grow and heal, whatever condition we find ourselves in. Mindfulness practice can also connect us to a greater sense of purpose and a deeper encounter with our own life. In this way our pain, sickness and discomforts become an opportunity for self awareness and the cultivation of wisdom, rather than despair.

Who will benefit?

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction can benefit a wide range of people including people experiencing stress for any reason, people with medical conditions, people experiencing psychological distress and anyone who wishes to live a healthier and more balanced life.

The MBSR program is a complement to the care provider by your doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist, not a substitute. Self care, combined with the best medical care is a wonderful recipe for getting the best results.

Stress: work stress, family stress, grief, dissatisfaction with life Medical Conditions: high blood pressure, recent surgery, cancer, skin disorders, chronic pain or illness, fibromyalgia. Psychological: depression, anxiety, panic, insomnia. Preventative: Feeling stuck? Overwhelmed by the demands of work or study?

A typical class

The MBSR course is 8 weeks long and each class runs for approximately 2.5 hours. During this time participants engage in mindful dialogue, receive individualised instructions, practice mindfulness meditation techniques in lying, sitting and walking positions and do gentle yoga stretches depending on their personal circumstances. Participants also attend a meditation day in the later part of each course. During the week participants engage in daily home work activities to cement their learning and to help integrate mindfulness into their daily lives.